The school attendance sheet template is a tool which is used to prepare a simple yet elegant attendance sheet which can be used in any school. Basically, it is a record of all students who attend classes during a specific period like a week or a month. Most schools require students to complete the session with a good percentage of attendance. To get a degree from a school, students are required to clear all the subjects for which they enrolled themselves. But now students also have to maintain a good percentage record as well. If a student fails to maintain a certain level of attendance percentage during a session, then he/she cannot be allowed to participate in the final session examination. A school attendance sheet makes sure students are attending the lectures and participating in other activities as assigned in their syllabus.
Tips to Improve Students Attendance Record:
The importance of school attendance is enormous and the school management and teachers both tried their best to maintain a good attendance record during a session. However, there are certain tips and strategies which they can adapt to improve the attendance percentage of their students. The following are the effective tips and activities that will motivate their students to successfully maintain a good attendance percentage:
• The school management needs to clarify their rules for absenteeism. In the case of certain unexcused absences from class lectures, school management will not only mark it in their record but also will inform their parents formally.
• A school is responsible for providing information to their students about the consequences of regular absenteeism during a session or year. These consequences can be different as per the rules of the school. However, the school management can call their parents to meet teachers and assure them their cooperation in this regard. They will also inform them if their child remain absent from school and he/she can be handed over suspension or can even be rusticated.
• It would be good to monitor a student’s overall attendance record. For that purpose, they can use a school attendance sheet template. They can prepare this template for a week or for a month based on their policies.
• A good tip is to keep in touch with the student who is not attending class lectures. Try to understand the reasons and if they find any unusual activity, they can contact their parents.
• Another tip is to award certificates to those students who are maintaining a good attendance percentage. This will encourage students to improve their attendance record in order to get eligible for the next award certificate.
• The school management can also send commendation letters to the parents of those students who have improved their attendance percentage. It will encourage other students to start improving their attendance percentage as well.
• To get maximum benefits from these strategies, the school management need to apply these rules to the students. There should be no excuse for anyone, otherwise it would be a fruitless activity. Remember that any relaxation in the absence of teachers can confuse students. That is the reason why all teachers should follow the same absenteeism policies.
• Apart from school management, teachers should also understand their role to notify management if a student is truanting.
• There are other certain elements that can cause a student to leave the class instead of attending. Being a teacher, if such a situation comes under his/her notice, he/she must inform the management to improve the environment of the school. A school should be a place where all students must feel safe and respected.
• There are certain cases where some students cannot attend school due to unavoidable circumstances. Therefore, school management should not push these students without understanding their problems.
Templates for School Attendance Sheet:






