A cash handling manual template is very effective manual format which is used to explain the process of cash handling procedure in a business, where cash handling is very crucial factor. There are financial institutions and organizations like banks and security agencies which deals cash on daily basis. To handle cash as per given standard operating procedures and care, a manual is used to educate employees. These instructions enable employees to learn the skills of handling cash without trouble and loss of currency. Furthermore, it also guides how to retain cash while closing in the end of day. The day ending activities require an employee to put idle cash into safe hands. It further recommends insurance arrangements of cash which is available in the end of day.
Cash Handling and Cash Receipts
A cash receipt is a business document that is being used at the time of completion of a sales transaction. Most business organizations consider this receipt as part of cash handling manual’s requirement, and must be filled accurately while dealing with cash transaction. Being part of manual, every cash receipt consists of following information; receipt number, date of transaction, name of person paying cash, amount received, title of goods sold or transaction, current balance, payment amount, balance due, name of person receiving cash and form of payment received like cash, check or money order. All information should be according to the description provided in cash handling manual. Predominantly, a cash receipt serves for many reasons but these two purposes are primary, which are given below;
• A cash receipt serves as a cash payment record, not only for vendor but also for management.
• It provides the customer with a permanent voucher containing record of transaction that is helpful in maintaining further financial records.
Details of Cash Handling Manual
A cash handling manual can be utilized for handling not only cash related transactions, but also for pay-orders and credit transactions. Being very helpful handbook, it is used to protect business transactions as well as employees before receiving or making cash payment. This manual assists an accountant while summarizing the daily activities in a cash ledger account. A cash handling manual provides various documents which can be used to make sure cash is secure with given instructions. In case of any problem or loss, it further highlights procedural instructions which an employee can follow to mitigate. This manual can also be placed at a visible place where every authorized employee can get access and use it at the time of need.
Tips to Maintain Proper Cash Record By Using a Cash Handling Manual
A cash handling manual is a perfect manual which allows a user to prepare various formats within the allowable guidelines. Following are the tips which can use to maintain a proper record while using this manual;
• This manual makes sure to record all cash transactions either on a cash ledger or a cash receipt. Moreover, an employee can also consider a cash voucher for an expense recovery or deposit related transactions.
• It further provides guidelines to calculate sales tax on each transaction.
• There should be a separate column for the total sum of cash, which is received during a day or a specific period. This column can be used to identify the cash which is placed in the locker by the end of the day.
• An employee should not forget to provide a copy of the cash receipt to the store and one to the customer for their record.
• Collect all cash vouchers or receipts by the day end and make separate total for sales, taxes and total cash received.
• Count all cash received and compare it with total cash received figures. Sort out any difference in cash or cash figures on daily basis to reduce errors of omissions.
• Now prepare a cash ledger on the basis of these re-checked cash transactions and pass separate entries for sales, sales tax, and cash payments.
• All these transactions should be checked by your supervisor and post them to general ledger.
• There should be a separate sheet for all those transactions where cash is directly deposited into a bank account. This sum can subtract from the available cash in hand column.
Templates for Cash Handling Manual

Source: www.pvamu.edu

Source: www.cityofmadison.com

Source: www.usm.edu

Source: studentfinancialservices.humboldt.edu

Source: controller.vpfa.fsu.edu

Source: www.osec.doc.gov

Source: fpdcc.com